Subject: RE: NANFA-L-- articles for AC / Bottle tanks
From: Bob Sinclair (
Date: Wed Nov 17 2004 - 12:21:19 CST
Do you know of any literature, printed or on the Internet, concerning
fish in gallon jugs and larger? Sounds like they could make for some very
interesting display pieces, done correctly.
Bob Sinclair
Santa Barbara CA
-----Original Message-----
From: On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 6:57 AM
Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- articles for AC / Bottle tanks
seems like i remember jim g going on about his longterm success w/ 1
gallon bottle tanks housing pygmy sunnies that were doing well for long
periods of time and without water changes.
that would be a good article in ac.
my bottle tanks ( experiments )... 1 gallon, 7 and 13 gallon have had
limited success. least killies in a heavily planted bottle seem to do ok...
but not always. :(
lately ive added small flag fish and they seem to be doing pretty good
since they eat algae and are active.
i light all my bottle tanks w/ artificial light or place them near windows
( out of direct sunlight tho ).
a variety of plants live in the bottles from java fern and moss to
anacharis, millfoil, hornwort, anubis and water lettuce.
ive tried pygmy and bluefin killies to minimal success. probably needed
more live food added.
something i dont like about the bottles tho is the awkwardness to peer
into them, the distortion. they do look pretty and interesting especially
when they are lush w/ plants.
any other experiences out there?
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: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 12:42:51 CST