Good Summer everyone!!!
It's Rob, your convention host! Listen up good people... The convention
weekend is approaching fast! It's hard to believe that almost a year has
passed since I found myself wanting to give this thing a try! HA! Well
believe me... I haven't done anything really... except pulling everyone
together and assigning tasks... making lots of phone calls.. sending e-mails
.. etc.. Actually, this thing has been put together in 2 months less than a
year as I see it, and I'm impressed so far with how things have fallen into
place. If it weren't for all of you being so prompt and cooperative, there
would be no convention. Everyone is doing their part, and the puzzle is
coming together nicely. The final picture should be very pleasing. There are
just a few comments I want to make right now that come to mind...
First of all, if there is anyone out there who needs to report anything at
all to me about their participation in this event, PLEASE SAY SO NOW!!!!
Please ask any questions you have... I am under the impression that all of
us know "where we should be... and when we should be"... If their are any
items you would like to donate to the auction or raffle... please bring them
along with you. Those participating in the regional habitat aquarium
displays, you are responsible to bring outlet strips... cords...stands...
aquarium equipment... etc... There will be some tables that we can use to
set tanks on, but they are the standard 8 foot meeting tables, so that is
why I am suggesting the option of just bringing a stand, as perhaps your
stand will add to the display's character! Still, If you don't have one, we
should be able to set it on one of the tables, providing it's no more than
twenty gallons (weight concerns) I will offer my direction once you bring
the goods to the lodge... Anyone wishing to bring literature or small items
for display are also welcome to do so.
As for the field outings, we have several opportunities to get out in the
streams, but the main observation and field trip will be with ODNR'S Randy
Sanders, on Salt Creek, so I would encourage all of us to attend this one.
Roger Thoma will also conduct a crayfish id workshop on this stream! Others
will be offered, and can be attended accordingly. In addition, we have
NANFA'S Mark Binkley lending a hand to visit a site on the nationally
recognized Big Darby!!! Brook Trout speaker, and NANFA member, Mark Smith
will be offering a trip opportunity to private property within his family...
featuring a nice clear running stream with nicely wooded riparian zone! Pat
Quackenbush will offer a hike in selected areas of the Hocking Hills gorges
and will lend his expertise on the geology, flora and fauna of these unique
and stunningly beautiful areas! There will be opportunities there for some
stream observation as well. Mac Albin has agreed to lead some folks to a
tributary of the Hocking River.. I am not sure what he calls it, but he
indicates to me that it is a very picturesque stream that has demonstrated
to be home to 35 species in small stretches. He indicates that there is a
small hike to gain access, but the scenery is worth it!! We may just have
to vote on what we want to attend, thereafter Randy's outing! HA! Day
fishing licenses can be purchased from a little nearby store called Grandma
Faye's.. In addition, there are the usual Wal-Marts and K-Marts in nearby
Lancaster.. (birth place of General William T. Sherman!)
I am encouraging anyone with excellent id skills to offer their expertise in
doing just that in the streams we visit, as I have told the park, that we
will keep track of what we actually find in the streams!!! Just to show how
much we appreciate these streams, we should practice good "stream
etiquette"... This means not stomping the stream and habitat excessively,
and taking a gentle approach to what we will do..I also encourage anyone
seeing litter laying on the stream banks, or in the stream, to clean it up..
place it in a bag and leave the area better than we found it... at least
BTW... For those of you who enjoy snorkeling lakes and ponds, I have been
told by one of the park officials that springfed Rose Lake within the
hocking Hills State Park, offers excellent opportunity for this!!! It's
pretty clear, deep, and home to the beautiful Long Ear Sunfish!
Ok... now, If I left out anything, please holler!!!
If there is anyone needing directions to this event... please contact me at or call me at 330-393-4448. Finding Hocking Hills
is pretty easy from all points ... all directions from which you would be
coming. You can also contact your local AAA office for assistance in this
situation, or call 1-800-BUCKEYE.
Ok everyone, this has the potential to be a wonderful and unforgettable
weekend. It's in a place rich in History and natural beauty... Lots of back
roads for scenic drives, and bike rides, so don't forget your camera! there
is plenty to do for anyone...lots of hiking trails... plenty of habitat
examples of which our native fishes make their home! Please register if you
haven't and please encourage others to attend this event.. Cabins are going
quickly. If there is anyone who still has room in their cabin for a late
guest, we would kindly ask that maybe you could extend a little hospitality,
and open your doors .. this is your choice, however. If you can't get a
cabin, there are plenty of lodging places and campgrounds in the area...
Visit NANFA'S web site and see all the Convention info. and details there...
Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you at NANFA 2001!
Sincerely, Rob Carillio
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