We have a severe struggle in Germany since 1986 and it goes on and on. We4ve
not lost, though, but we didn4t win either.
> Von: Moontanman_at_aol.com
> Antworten an: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
> Datum: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 16:47:26 EST
> An: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
> Betreff: Re: NANFA-- an article regarding the bait dealer
> In a message dated 3/12/04 3:49:28 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> steffen_at_hellner.biz writes:
>> In Europe we are one step ahead already: In Italy the captive maintenance
> of
>> wild type species is prohited since October 2003! I mentioned this to an
>> italian friend who first thought it to be false information. Then he
> checked
>> it and it came out to be true.
>> In France, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium it is already prohibited to
>> native species. Regardless what subspecies, e.g. it is not allowed to keep
>> any Salamandra ssp. even if they don4t occur in that state. No S.s.
> gallaica
>> from Portugal in Netherlands (though that subspecies is way different from
>> the S.s. terrestris found there naturally).
>> To be continued ... for sure! Poor next generations.
> Sadly this is one reason politics, no matter how much we think they are off
> topic, are really on topic for all of us.
> Moon
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