Article Listing and Back Order Information
The following is a Rich Text Format file that should open in any word
processing program. It contains a chronological list of articles published
in American Currents since the inaugural issue in 1972. Its objective is to
give you a quick look at the articles within each issue. Generally,
administrative articles are not included. Issues since 1996 contain
additional useful information not included in this article list (such as in
the very informative Riffles section). Many articles are not in
order, because this was printed from a computer database. The best way to
search it is simply to use the "Find" command that comes with your word
processing software.
Back Ordering Issues
What is the cost?
Currently enrolled members may obtain back issues of American Currents. Cost is $3.50 per issue. Issues of American Currents are generally 30-40 pages in length and vary in quality. Most back issues will be photocopies.
Please contact Jan Hoover prior to sending payment.
What if I just want to get a single article instead of an entire issue?
Contact Jan Hoover at his email address below and discuss this with him.
From whom do I order back issues?
Send your back issue order and payment
(check or money order made out to Jan Hoover) to:
Jan Jeffrey Hoover
3909 Halls Ferry Rd.
Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199