You don't need to keep fish in fish tanks to appreciate them. Many
native fish enthusiasts don masks and snorkels and see sights that
rival the beauty of tropical coral reefs! Swimming skills are generally
not required since some of the best freshwater snorkeling can be done
in (clear) water that's knee- to waist-deep. Just stick your head
underwater, remain still, and let the fish come to you. Fish are
surprisingly brave and curious when you're in the water with them.
(Some like to nip at the air bubbles that stick to your arm and leg
hairs.) Stir the bottom sand or gravel with your fingers and watch them
feed on the tiny food particles you've released.
If snorkeling's not your thing or the water's too cold, then you can
make an underwater viewing bucket by cutting out the bottom of a
5-gallon plastic bucket and affixing a piece of Plexiglas in its place.
It really works!
Native fish in spawning colors are just spectacular
The water doesn't have to be very deep.
This snorkeler and this darter were both spotted in the Conasuaga River.
Hold on tight in rough water... thats where the darters are!