The NANFA Conservation Research Grant
NANFA Awards at Least $2000 For Conservation Research Each Year
Since 2001 NANFA has funded the Conservation Research Grant,
focusing on supporting research relating to the conservation
of North America's indigenous fish fauna, particularly those that are threatend or endangered. The Conservation Research Grant could be awarded to someone in academia, a conservation group, or to an independent researcher. The maximum award for any one proposal is budgeted at $1000.
The deadline for submission of an application is January 20th each year. Award decisions will be announced by March 31st.
are asked to write an article on the results of their research for
publication in American Currents and are encouraged to present their
findings at NANFA's Annual Convention. |
Bluehead chub, Nocomis leptocephalus © William Roston
Questions about the award may be addressed to
Dr. Bruce Lilyea
NANFA Conservation Research Grant
Grant Committee Chairperson
(Complete applications in MS Word format may be sent to this e-mail address.)
Previous NANFA Conservation Research Grant Recipients
2022 Owen Ridgen, undergraduate student, Conservation Biology program, University of Toronto, “Freshwater Mussel Shells and Noturus Madtoms in Ontario: A Rare Opportunity for the Conservation of Two At-Risk Groups?”
2021 Jessica Diallo, Masters student at the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington. The research questions for the selected study are: “(1) Which removal methods are most effective in reducing green sunfish local abundance and spatial extent? (2) How do native fish populations respond to invasive removal in abundance and individual growth? (3) Does food web structure recover to its pre-invasion state after invasive removal?”.
2020 Bryan Maitland, PhD student in Ecology at the University of Wyoming. The research question for the selected study is: “Non-lethal sampling of native North American freshwater fishes for stable isotope analysis-based food web studies”.
2019 This year NANFA is supporting two research projects:
Austin Hannah, Masters student in Biology at Austin Peay State University. The study is entitled: “What is the mechanistic relationship between decreased Blackside Dace (Chrosomus cumberlandensis) occurrence and elevated water conductivity caused by surface mining?”
Pamela Hart, PhD student in Biology at Louisiana State University. The study is entitled: “Environmental DNA detection of the Southern Cavefish species complex: Implications for conservation and aquifer connectivity.”
2018 Amanda Pinion, PhD student from the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences at Texas A&M University. The study is entitled: “Long overdue: A modern taxonomic revision of the Sand Shiner Notropis stramineus (Cope, 1865) based on molecular and morphological characters”.
2017 Madison Snider, masters student, Environmental & Conservation Sciences Graduate Program, North Dakota State University, “Anti-Predator Behavior in Amargosa Pupfish and Pahrump Poolfish.”
2016 Joshua Stonecipher, graduate student, Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tennessee, “Conservation status and population genetic structure of the Smallscale Darter (Nothonotus microlepidus).”
2015 Jonathan Davis, a professor at Young Harris College in Young Harris, Georgia. The study addressed the growth patterns under varying temperature and river discharge regimes of the undescribed Sicklefin Redhorse, a vulnerable species probably worthy of federal listing.
2014 Michael Moore, Virginia Tech, “Occupancy modeling for the Clinch Dace (Chrosomus sp. cf. saylori) in the Upper Clinch River System, Virginia using minnow trapping, backpack electrofishing, and eDNA sampling.” Although the Clinch Dace is not currently listed under the Endangered Species Act, it is classified as “endangered” by Jelks and is considered to be one of the rarest fish species in the United States. In Virginia, Clinch Dace are known from headwater streams in two counties. Populations are small and separated by large distances of unfavorable habitat. The occupancy status of Clinch Dace remains unknown at many sites throughout the proposed range.Our research questions for Clinch Dace are threefold. 1. What is the species’ current distribution? 2. Which sampling gear is best to monitor and survey for populations and are habitat conditions correlated to site occupancy? 3. Is eDNA sampling feasible for Clinch Dace?
2013 Anthony Honick, Duquesne University, “Tracking range expansion and genetic population structure of five Pennsylvania threatened darter species using environmental DNA (eDNA) and molecular genetic techniques.” We have identified five imperiled darter species (bluebreast darter, spotted darter, Tippecanoe darter, gilt darter and river darter) that inhabit large river systems of the upper Ohio River system. In this study we propose to develop and validate environmental DNA sampling (eDNA) for concurrently monitoring range expansion of five imperiled darter species to overcome traditional sampling difficulties in large riverine habitats. eDNA can be defined as DNA that is extracted from environmental samples (e.g. water, soil, sediment) and is isolated before physical/visual detection of the target species. Initially, aquarium experiments will be conducted to optimize eDNA detection and develop polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers. Once verified, eDNA detection will be used in conjunction with traditional sampling to monitor the expansion of imperiled darter species and identify critical riverine and spawning habitat.
2012 This year, $1000 was awarded to Kenneth J. Oswald, a Visiting
Scientist with the United States Environmental Protection
Agency and also a Lecturer in the Northern Kentucky University Honors
Program. His proposal is titled, "Evolutionary Conservation Genetics
Estimation of Water Quality Parameters for Tonguetied Minnow (Exoglossum laurae)".
From his proposal: "This research aims to combine intraspecific
evolutionary genetics and water quality data to assist in formulating a
comprehensive conservation management plan for the rare and endangered
tonguetied minnow. Tonguetied minnow has been a poorly, infrequently
studied species, and as a result, little is known concerning its
However, survey data that I have been able to obtain from multiple
state conservation and management resource agencies indicates that
minnow is on the decline throughout its range. Using a molecular
genetics approach, I intend to identify unique evolutionary lineages
within this species, and based upon data summarized from US EPA water
databases, characterize the various aqueous stressors that
threatensurvival of individual populations."
The 2010 NANFA Conservation Research Grant of $1000 has been awarded to
Suzanne M. Gray, Department of Biology, McGill University, Montreal,
Canada, for her study, "Turbidity tolerance in blackline shiners:
Implications for conservation and recovery." The primary research goal
is to compare turbidity tolerance across members of the blackline
shiner complex with reportedly varying turbidity tolerance to determine
if turbidity can be directly implicated in the decline of vulnerable
species, and to inform action plans for the recovery of these species.
In Canada, turbidity is the putative cause for the decline of several
species in this complex, including the endangered Pugnose Shiner (Notropis anogenus) and threatened Bridle Shiner (N. bifrenatus).
Turbidity can have direct physiological effects such as reduced feeding
and respiratory impairment, and can also alter visually-mediated
behavior such as foraging and social interactions.
The proposed research will compare the responses of four blackline
shiner species typically found in clear waters (N. anogenus, N. bifrenatus, N. heterodon and N. heterolepis) and one related minnow found in a range of habitats (N. volucellus)
to varying turbidity conditions in aquaria. The behavioral responses of
individuals of all five species to increasing turbidity over a 3-week
period will be compared. A second experimental treatment of the same
five species will examine the physiological and behavioral responses of
individuals held under high turbidity levels for two months. The
results of this research should have direct and immediate implications
for the recovery and management of the endangered Pugnose Shiner,
threatened Bridle Shiner and other sympatric species in this group.
This year NANFA is supporting three research projects with grants of
$750 each. These projects study different species, asking different
questions, in different parts of the country.
Josh Perkin, "Evolutionary response of a relict ironcolor shiner (Notropis chalybaeus)
population to a spring environment" The western extent of ironcolor
shiner contiguous range is the Red River drainage in Texas, but a
disjunct, relict population exists further west in the Guadalupe River
drainage. This population is found only in the upper 10 km of the San
Marcos River where large spring discharges from the Edwards aquifer
provide flows and constant water temperatures year round. This stable
spring environment is unique among streams inhabited by ironcolor
shiners and therefore provides a unique opportunity to assess various
adaptations in fish reproductive within novel environments. Due to
stable year-round water temperatures, ironcolor shiners in the San
Marcos River might spawn year-round with fewer oocytes per spawning
event in the absence of seasonal water temperature fluctuations.
Spring-adapted species are at risk because they are specialized for a
narrow range of environmental conditions, and these spring environments
themselves are extremely sensitive to human activities.
Solomon David, "Ecology, biogeography, and conservation of the spotted gar (Lepiosteus oculatus)
in Michigan" The goal of this study is to better understand a very
poorly-studied, much-maligned yet important native species at the edge
of its range. This will help to develop effective strategies for
conserving and managing ecologically sensitive peripheral populations
central to the biodiversity of freshwater ecosystems. Specific
objectives of this work are to explore differences in life history
characteristics between the southern US population and Michigan inland
lakes population of spotted gars; determine the primary biotic and
abiotic factors influencing the distribution, abundance, and life
history of spotted gars in Michigan; and, develop management
recommedations for conservation of the spotted gar in Michigan.
Benjamin Keck "Genetic diversity among disjunct populations of the Greenfin darter, Nothonotus chlorobranchius" Is genetic diversity consistent with previously described morphological variation among the disjunct populations of N. chlorobranchius?
Greenfin darters occur in isolated tributary river systems of the upper
Tennessee River drainage. Existing populations are isolated by many
kilometers of uninhabited territory. Previous work has shown
morphological variation among populations in different river systems,
with that of the Little Tennessee River being the most distinct. A full
genetic analysis of Greenfin darters will identify intraspecific
relationships that can used for: conservation efforts such as
restocking extirpated populations and identifying particularly
divergent and unique populations, and provide insight into the
geographic scales of diversification in the upper Tennessee River
2008 In 2008, for the fifth year in a row, NANFA has at
least doubled its $1,000 annual commitment to the NANFA Conservation
Research Grant program. This year, three grants were awarded, bringing
the grant funding total since the program began in 2001 to $13,850. The
three Grant awardees are:
Richard Harrington, a doctoral candidate at Yale University under
the direction of Tom Near, receives $1000 for his proposal, "Analysis
of Genetic diversity and Hybridization in the Barrens Darter, Etheostoma forbesi. The Barrens Darter, subgenus Catonotus,
currently has no state or federal agency status although it has an
extremely restricted range in tributary streams to Barren Fork, part of
the Caney Fork River system in middle Tennessee. With only nine known
occurrences, the species is highly vulnerable to anthropogenic
disturbances and hybridization with other darter species. The two
questions Richard wishes to address are: Is the population genetic
structure of E. forbesi characteristic of a long-term stable
population size, or is there evidence of reduced genetic diversity? Is
there hybridization between E. forbesi and a closely related sympatric species?
Jacob Egge, an assistant professor at Pacific Lutheran
University in Tacoma, Washington, receives $825 for his proposal,
"Conservation Genetics of the Least Madtom, Noturus hildebrandi."
The Least Madtom, from western Mississippi and Tennessee, demonstrates
unusual patterns of cryptic diversity given its distribution that are
not consistent with current taxonomy. Species diversity among madtoms
is currently underestimated due to their conservative morphology. N. hildebrandi is closely related to the federally endangered Smoky Madtom, N. baileyi. Further knowledge of the population structure of N. hildebrandi
will be useful in considering efforts to preserve diversity in both
species. One aspect of this proposal the review committee found
attractive is the involvement of undergraduates as part of a summer
project. Ben Koch, a doctoral student at the University of Wyoming,
receives $675 for his proposal, "Impacts of Non-Native Trout on the
Food Base in High-Elevation Cutthroat Trout Refugia in Colorado." This
work will take place in the East River watershed where non-native Brook
Trout and Brown Trout have been introduced and the native Colorado
River Cutthroat Trout has become rare. Ben hopes to answer two
questions: Are these alpine streams serving as sink habitats for
non-native trouts due to a limited food base? Are these alpine streams
capable of supporting minimum viable populations of native cutthroat
trout? NANFA¹s grant will specifically support the rental of laboratory
space at Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory during field research.
2007 In 2007, for the fourth year in a row, NANFA has
doubled its $1,000 annual commitment to the NANFA Conservation Research
Grant program. This year, three grants were awarded:
Anna L. George (Tennessee Aquarium Research Institute, Cohutta, GA)
and David A. Neely (California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA)
receive $1,000 for their proposal, "Conservation Genetics and Larval
of Popeye Shiner, a Rare Fish in a Fragmented Ecosystem." The Popeye
Notropis ariommus, is an enigmatic minnow that is sporadically distributed
across the greater Ohio River drainage. It has been eliminated from much of
its historic range, including all populations north of the Ohio River, and
persists only as localized and highly fragmented populations in rivers with
exceptional water quality. Its decline is thought to be due to habitat
degradation, especially increased turbidity and reservoir construction, and
its near-absence from collections for the 55-year period between 1894 and
1949. The researchers propose to examine 1) the spatial distribution of
genetic variation in populations of the species from across its range; 2)
reproduction and larval ecology in captivity; and 3) current status across
their range.
Allison Pease (Texas A&M University, College Station, TX) will receive
$750 for her study, "Ecological Effects of an Introduced Cichlid in the Rio
Panuco Basin." The Convict Cichlid, Archocentrus nigrofasciatus, is a
popular species in the aquarium hobby, due largely to its hardiness and ease
of breeding in captivity. These traits also increase its chances of
establishment outside of its native range; in fact, many established
nonindigenous populations have been reported, including a relatively recent
introduction from an aquarium breeding facility in the Rio Panuco basin of
east-central Mexico. In her study, Pease will investigate how introduced A.
nigrofasciatus have affected native Herichthys cichlids, focusing on
competition for food and nesting resources.
Mike Sandel (University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa, AL) will
receive $500 to study "Inbreeding Depression and Conservation Genetics of
Spring Pygmy Sunfish, Elassoma alabamae." Questions to be investigated
include: Have reintroduced populations of E. alabamae incurred inbreeding
depression? Is scoliosis in the species a defect associated with inbreeding
depression (reduced microsatellite heterozygosity) or parasite infestation?
And is scoliosis associated with reduced reproductive potential or growth
2006 In 2006, for the third year in a row, NANFA has
doubled its $1,000 annual commitment to the NANFA Conservation Research
Grant program. This year, three grants of $700 each were awarded:
Robert Hopkins II, Southern Illinois University, IL -- "Investigation of Nesting Biology of the Stone Darter, Etheostoma derivativum." You can read his report here:
Nicholas J. Lang, St. Louis University, MO -- "An Assessment of the Impact of the Invasive Reed Arundo donax on the Rio Salado River Basin, Coahuila, Mexico, with Particular Emphasis on the Rare and Endemic Rio Salado Darter, Etheostoma segrex."
The Rio Salado flows through north-central Mexico and historically
drained the now-isolated Cuatro Cienegas basin to the Río Grande. Above
the mouth of the Rio Sabinas, this stream is known as the Rio Salado de
los Nadadores and exists as a small- to medium-sized stream flowing
through a fairly narrow valley. Habitat here historically included many
gentle riffles that were home to the endemic E. segrex.
Although this species was common in the past, especially at the type
locality, recent attempts to locate specimens have been disappointing.
(A March 2003 trip yielded only a single specimen.) The most obvious
potential reason for the darter's rarity is the very dense stands of
the invasive giant reed Arundo donax. This reed forms tall
thickets that aggressively encroach on the stream. Not only do these
thick stands take an enormous amount of water out of the recharge
basin, they also funnel flood waters into progressively narrower and
deeper channels. This action has caused the destruction of many of the
wide, shallow riffles that were required habitat for the Rio Salado
darter and may have changed the temperature regime of the stream.
Control of A. donax within the Cuatro Cienegas basin is
possible and initial steps have been made to draft a control plan. Data
are lacking, however, that show the relationship between the
distributions of A. donax and E. segrex. Together with
Dr. Dean Hendrickson (University of Texas, Austin), Lang proposes to
complete a detailed survey of the Rio Salado de los Nadadores that
encompasses the known historical range of E. segrex as well as 5-10 km
up- and downstream. They will record not only the presence or absence
of every species of fish at each site, but also the depth, width, and
velocity of the stream, and the extent of A. donax infestation.
This data will be used to identify factors that allow the greatest
amount of native fish diversity to survive in the presence of A. donax, and to increase the effectiveness of the limited funds available for A. donax eradication.
Brian Zimmerman, Bowling Green State University, OH -- "Microhabitat Use by the Redside Dace (Clinostomus elongatus)."
This project is designed to develop a new method for making a model of
the critical habitat used by small nongame stream fishes. Although the
redside dace was historically found in 11 U.S. states and one Canadian
province, it has drastically decreased in abundance. This species is
considered endangered in Michigan, Indiana and West Virginia, and has
threatened status in Ontario. It has also been extirpated in Iowa and
Maryland. In the remainder of its range it is considered vulnerable,
with the exception of Pennsylvania where it is "apparently secure." The
redside dace prefers the cooler waters typically found in headwater or
spring-fed streams. However, these are summer requirements and do not
address microhabitat needs during other seasons. To ensure the future
of this and other nongame species, their habitats need to be thoroughly
understood so restoration projects of formerly suitable habitat can be
developed with the intent to reestablish locally extirpated
populations. Zimmerman proposes to quantify microhabitat use by redside
dace over an annual cycle while developing a method that could be
applied to other imperiled species and conduct a laboratory study to
determine thermal limits for this species. Not only will this project
directly benefit the redside dace by providing information about their
specific habitat needs, it also will develop methods that could be used
to assess other imperiled nongame small stream species. This project
will also provide grounds for starting a reintroduction project of a
nongame species that has been largely ignored.
2005 For the second year in a row, NANFA doubled its
$1,000 allocation to the NANFA Conservation Research Grant. The two
$1,000 recipients for 2005 are:
Michael Bessert and Chenhong Li (Nebraska): "Conservation Genetics of the Plains Topminnow (Fundulus sciadicus)."
The objectives of this work are to establish conservation strategies
and collect genetic and demographic data (i.e., effective population
size, population growth and decline rates, and extant genetic
variation) within and between F. sciadicus populations in
Nebraska and Missouri. Bessert and Li hope to provide a foundation for
plans to protect the plains topminnow in Nebraska and Missouri (if
warranted), and provide a template for the development of regional
conservation plan for species with similar habitat, range, and life
history patterns.
Jenjit Khudamrongsawat (Alabama) studied the conservation genetics and
population structure of the federally endangered Vermilion Darter and
the closely related Warrior Darter. She wrote this article about her
research for American Currents.
2004 This year, the competitive annual NANFA Conservation
Research Grant had a total of $2000 available for awarding to the best
proposal(s). We thank the Potomac Valley Aquarium Society and Chesapeake Area Killifish Club for their generous $300 donation to the 2004 grant.
of this year's awardees is Richard Bush, a graduate student at the
University of California in Davis. His research proposal is entitled
"Native Trout Conservation to Benefit California's Threatened
Steelhead." The California steelhead is a federally listed threatened
species and needs all the help it can get. The big question Richard
wants to address is whether juvenile steelheads utilize small coastal
estuaries in California on their way out to sea. Surprisingly little is
known about this utilization, and it's important because many of these
estuaries receive little protection and are being degraded by human
activities. What really impressed the review committee about Richard's
research is his proposal to study the juvenile life history of
steelhead by collecting and examining their otoliths ("ear bones"),
bony disks in the head. Otoliths grow on a daily cycle in fish and
contain information on the fish's age, what it's been eating, where it
has lived, and for how long. The specific isotopic composition of
different layers of an otolith can be examined to reconstruct the
fish's habits. By examining enough otoliths, it should be possible to
demonstrate whether or not these juveniles pause and use the estuarine
environment in their life cycle.
Our other 2004 awardee is
Aaron Schrey, a doctoral student at the Fisheries and Illinois
Aquaculture Center of the University of Southern Illinois in
Carbondale. Aaron's proposal is entitled "Genetic discrimination of
pallid and shovelnose sturgeon." The pallid sturgeon is federally
listed as an endangered species. At certain life stages it can be
confused with the much more common shovelnose sturgeon, with which it
shares habitat in the Mississippi and Missouri rivers. Aaron's work
will characterize differences in the DNA sequences in specific reaches
of DNA called microsatellite loci in each species' DNA. Once completed,
this genetic characterization should allow individual sturgeons to be
identified with confidence as one or the other species. Sturgeons to be
studied will come from the Missouri River and the middle Mississippi
2003 Karen Lawrence of Southeast Missouri State
University in Cape Girardeau, MO, has been awarded the NANFA
Conservation Research Grant for 2003 for her proposal, "Water Turbidity
and Color Communication in Darters."
ability of darters to use color and contrast communication to attract
mates or guard against territorial invasion may be closely tied to
water clarity," Ms. Lawrence wrote. "Therefore, reproductive success of
brightly colored species is dependent on the transmission of visual
cues such as body coloration through water. I propose to investigate
whether a correlation exists between the wavelengths of light
transmitted through water and body colors in darters."
work is to be carried out in Stinking Fork, a tributary of the Little
Blue River in southern Indiana. Four monochromatic species of darters
and three colorful species will be studied, as well as spectral
properties of the water.
2002 The 2002 grant was awarded to Claire McGrath to
study the interactions between native greenback trout and non-native
brook trout in the Arkansas and South Platte River systems in Colorado.
Claire wrote this article about her research for American Currents.
The 2001 award went to Jean Krejca of the University of Texas for her study of the Mexican blind cave catfish, Prietella phreatophila. Jean wrote an excellent article with photos for American Currents summarizing her research.