Re: NANFA-- TFH photos and soapbox

R. W. Wolff (
Fri, 27 Jun 2003 11:41:13 -0500

I have to agree, with being honest and saying I have played Dr. Frankenstien
as well. There are a whole myriad of people and groups wanting to ban the
keeping of any animals , probably dogs and cats excluded. They so far have
not had lots of success, so they are coming up with new ways for a means to
an end. In the latest issue of the "Journal of the American Killifish
Association", there is an article on legistlation that can help those
realize banning. Its entitled "proposed Rhode Island Animal Protection ACt
Applies even to Feeder Animals". Animals includes any living non human
organism. I guess humans as feeders is alright. Anyways, there goes several
popular fish species that will not eat prepared foods. Pygmy sunfish, most
darters, etc. Once the keeping of these is banned through the legislation
that would not allow their keepers to feed them, it would be that much
easier for those groups to move on to the next segment of fish keepers. Look
how some fish have been banned, each time it was because some turned up in
waters they were not found in. Look how easily all snakeheads were
legislated on because of a few trouble species released. For anyone who
keeps reptiles and amphibians, you probably know all to well the full out
assault on that branch of the hobby.

To quantify my hybridizing experiments. If the fish were ever passed along
to someone else, they were wanting them because of what they were. I tried
to make clear the importance of keeping them labeled as such. Also, there
is something to be learned from hybrids, that is if they actually can
hybridize, and are the young fertile, do they even develop.

To wrap this up, keep detailed breeding and location data and never do
anything that could destroy what you are trying to do. Such as releaseing
fish where they don't belong and giving these anti animal husbandry groups
any more traction. And think about the next time something doesn't effect
you or your interests directly ( ban on sport fishing ) it can help those
who will come for your interests next.

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